Sunday, February 20, 2011

life as it is

have u ever..
at one point, u just drop everything...
hoping that u are somewhere far away...
away from people who love u and kind to u...
away from people whom u hate the most.....

have u ever...
at one point, u just wish u can yell out loud....
right at the faces whom u hate the most....
say nasty things to people who never try to understand...
who never care....

have u ever..
wish that u can ask people stop making u feel tired...
tired of listening to their whining and ranting...
how life is so cruel and inconsiderate towards them...
how things are not done according to their so called perfect plan...

have u ever..
wish that u can just scream.... scream on top of ur lung...
begging for someone to listen to you..
to listen with their hearts not with their lifeless ears...
to see u through their hearts not their wicked eyes
to at least appreciate u...
of who u are...
a human who has flaws...
who is unable to attain to all requests...

please be gentle with me...
because i am a volcano waiting to explode......


  1. tik tok..tik tok....volcano will explode...but keep your head...btol x peribahasa tu??

  2. wah..

    ingat lagi "if"...
    "keep ur head when everyone is losing theirs".....

  3. yap..
    ingat kata-kata tu bila kita rasa geram!!!!!!!!!!

  4. waaa..

    student menasihat cikgu....makacih.......hehehe

  5. xla...
    cikgu yng menasihat student..
    cikgu yng kta kat student cam tu..

    tpi ok gak sekali sekala tukar

    studnt menasihat cikgu...hehehe
