sedari jam 8, si printer bekerje...
malam nie die bekerje keras....
scheme of work untuk 2011, bahan untuk fail R&D dan kolokium....
bukan setakat mencetak untuk tuannya...
die turut mencetak untuk rakan2 tuannya...
ada bahan yg perlu d kongsi,
tuannya tidak lupakan rakan yg lain.....
untuk pelajar juga..
printer terdiam.....
tidak berbunyi dan merengek...
nasib tuannya faham pe'el die.......
penutup di angkat....
cartridge dakwat hitam sudah miskin dakwat....
dengan berhati2 tuannya menyuntik ...
dengan riang dan enegetik, terus die bekerje....
sekali sekala
tuannya menambah kertas..
kertas mencetak sudah semakin sedikit....
tuannya berkira2...sepanjang tahun hampir beratus pokok d korban
maaf pokok, rela kan la...untuk pendidikan ....
selepas bahan untuk fail..
tuannya memilih bahan untuk mengajar..
inilah rutin tuan printer setiap malam...
menyedia bahan mengajar...setiap kelas berbeza...
nasib malam nie, bahan dah ada....
printer yg baik bertukar kerjaya plak...
d letak bahan di atas..
tuannya menukar fungsi..
dari pencetak kepada photocopy...
18 salinan; soalan esei untuk prau2b
18 salinan; contoh sequence connectors untuk prau2b
20 salinan; soalan graf untuk prau2a...
menung kejap tuan printer..
memikir dua tiga pelajar yg malas...
yg akan memandang enteng pada kerje keras printer..
yg tidak akan menghargai perkhidmatan percuma si printer...
ikut hati dan amarah, nak je tuan printer
mengarah printer hanya mencetak untuk yg rajin....
abaikan yg malas...
kalau printer tidak ikhlas dalam bekerje..
kalau printer asyik berkira dalam menyampaikan ilmu...
x de ganjaran dari yg Esa...
x berkat duit gaji d hujung bulan
"jangan berkira ye,"....bisik tuan pada printernye...
"kita jgn putus asa...kita doa mereka nampak keikhlasan kita"...pujuk tuannya lagi..

mp 160
thank you!!!
I like the way you describe the printer.. it's working hard but never complain...
ReplyDeletenow you have two anon. which one is me. you know urself ryt~ haaaaa.. if u still rmmber, some teachers just collect money from their students.
ReplyDeletei would like to share my sad story..
i collected rm1 from form 1 studnts.. and realized, there were many of my students walked back instead of using bus as usual. next morning, one teacher came, aih cikgu.... duit kelas cikgu snggup bdak2 bayar.. jalan kaki pown sanngguup.. cikgu kesayangan katakan..." i went to class.. and i decided to figure out what was happen yestrdy until this teacher came and said something ABOUT my students.
cikgu, kmi xder duit lagi bila kami byr dgn cikgu. jadi, kmi kena lah jalan kaki balik umh..
how stupid i am during that time!!!!! i feel so BAD about myself.. not sensitive enough!!!
i took my books and walked out from the class. went to staff rum, run to koperasi, chnge small money, and returned back all the money. i was about to cry during that tym..
and i stop to collect $ from my studnts anymore..
ReplyDeletei wish i could be just like that...but with nonsense around me...sometimes i have to make my stand
dear anon ~,
ReplyDeletethat is why i never collect money for photocopy..pity them. x sampai hati nak minta, tambah bila tgk yg rajin2 really appreciate the handouts given....
every time my printer starts printing materials, i just wish that the students see my hard work and effort and giving back to me by completing the task...that is enough for me...
somebody once said to me;
"kalau berkira sangat, jgn jadi cikgu...."
Syabas Tecer Zufa....Derma kpd students lebih baik dari bagi kepada org yg dah kaya raya......
ReplyDeletetq kak fad,
ReplyDeletetake care my dear kak fad...
gather all the strength in the world...
i pray for your good health
Only a teacher in a rural school would do things like you, Miss Jupa. Sometimes, I feel rural school teachers are more sincere and willing to sacrifice time and money for their students rather than those teaching in urban schools. They'd rather make other teachers do their jobs and take credits for jobs done, and spent their time with darling husbands and children.... as if the others do not have family as well...
ReplyDeletedear anon,
ReplyDeleteteachers in urban schools sometimes know that,most of their students go for tuition. so, students have choices in learning. but for rural areas...they have no choice. they can't afford to spend rm50-rm70 for tuition classes. they depend on us..and u feel the burden becoz someone's future is in your hand....