Are we so unfortunate for not being married like you????????
Feel bad for those women who sees unmarried ladies as very unfortunate....very rugi for never had the experience in marriage....that is so sad...for a women to say such a thing towards other women!
Patutla ramai sangat yang ala2 desperate nak kawin sampai sanggup jadi 2nd gf, date laki orang, tak "memilih" (dlm ertikata lain asalkan lelaki je depa kawin)..lepas kawin kejap, beranak sorang or berorang2, pastu kena tinggal (gantung tak bertali), kena cerai (up to talak 3 pun ada) pastu ex-laki lepas tangan, ko jadi ibu tunggal tanggung sara anak sorang diri.
If that marriage is all about (pengalaman berkahwin yg di maksudkan), I'll pass...lebih rela tak kawin dari kawin sebab takut di panggil anak dara tua.. But how does MJM1, MJM2 or MJM sounds to you??? (i heard this term MJM:Mak Janda Muda with no kids, 1 kid MJM1 and so on from a guy). I believe most of us are aware that sentiments towards JANDA are somehow stronger compared to so called ANDARTU/ANDALUSIA or whatever society want to label us single women above the age of say 30 (last time after 25 are already considered as ANDARTU). But to all single mothers and single ladies (who have experienced marriage before) out there and reading this I apologize if you're offended by this statement. I am making my point only.
I dont want a fairy tale marriage, I prefer a realistic ones (yang bukan ala2 fairy tale, orang tak kata romantic couple pun tak per..tapi rukun damai, berkekalan, kasih berpanjangan, anak bersusunan.... hehehehhe). But hey, thats just my 2 cents.
This doesn't mean am against marriage (because most male think I am, too bad for them for being to shallow, I'm looking forward to embark on the journey with a compatible partner (not Mr Perfect, Not Mr Right Now or whatever). I want to grow old with him, start a family and have 1,2,3,4 or more kids (if my age and body can still take it), for better or for worse till death do us part. Yes true marriage life is no fairy tales, there will be ups and downs. Look forward to experience on putting aside my so called ego, admit to my mistakes, tolerate and communicate to the partner in making my marriage works.
To my future husband (wherever you are), I look forward to that journey. If I haven't met you, please find me ASAP, if I've met you but it was not the right time do make time work faster....hahahhhahaha somehow I diverted from the original topic already.
Till then.....just to let you all know...we're lucky whether we are married or single...do not feel pity for us unmarried ladies above 30 because if you do...I feel pity for you who have such a shallow mind..we should support each other, not the other way round.
ayat di atas bagi sesetengah kaum adam dan hawa...
nampak kasar...
kadang kala ada org x sedar...
golongan singleton sentiasa d pandang serong...
kitaorang kadang d layan mcm tiada perasaan......
ikut suka hati je nak perli n sindir...
sadly, mulut perempuan lebih bisa dari lelaki.....
my friend, shazaida...
keep nodding in agreement bila baca ur article.....
Even though I'm married ,I agree with Shazaida....Let people talk...they will stop talking once they get fed up of talking but no response...Not all married couples are happy ..."sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit,apa pula suami isteri". Ladies!!! don't be too proud if you have a hubby,someone might steal HIM from you even though you lock him in a safety box....God is Great!!!!Pray always....for our happiness and for others too.
ReplyDeletekak fad..
ReplyDeletekita dah tgk how our dear friend suffered....luaran nampak mcm diorang loving couple..but kesian sangat bila her husband kawin lain dalam diam...
rezeki masing2...mcm kak fad, seronok je...dapat yg baik.....
Islam kata kalau nak kawin, kawin yg beragama (i.e. jaga solat dan sebagainya). Nasihat tu sebenarnya ditujukan pada lelaki nak cari isteri tapi saya rasa sesuai juga untuk perempuan yg nak cari suami.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame the women, but blame the men... especially Asian men, they don't want to get married to women who are smart and independent. All of them go for those " soft-spoken" types. Your friend here has given her views, but I disagree women being "desperate" to get married-sometimes " jodoh" is the works of Allah. Who are we to blame these so-called desperate women, and those who become " single mothers"- not their own choice, the men never grow up in marriages.. Blame the men please.. not the women. Yes, I am a woman too- not that desperate...he he (chuckling)