sebab my brother bertunang..
i also heard this news.....william and kate
long ago.....when i was little...
aku suka tgk satu rancangan nie..."fairy tale theater"..
x pernah miss....masa umur dalam 9-10 tahun...
seperti tajuk...die banyak dramatized fairy tale....
lots of beautiful princess and prince...castle and knights....
aku ingat ini semua fantasi...
then i ingat lagi....with my family aku tgk the wedding of lady diana spencer and prince charles..
masa tu baru aku tau....memang wujud prince and princess....
and the wedding definitely portrayed the fairy tale....yg aku selalu tgk....
a common girl (though diana was a blue blood; some said bluer than charles) met a lonely prince and got married in a beautiful dress.....
sejak tu aku mula minat princess diana....
minat yg mendalam tambah mendalam bila menjejak kaki ke london on 29th august 1997.
the first thing aku buat jejak kaki d sana...cari Buckinham Palace...cari Kesington Palace...
Buckingham Palace is the formal resident for the queen...and Kensington Palace was Diana's resident after the divorce.....
what sadden me...after a few days..on 31st august 1997.
she died.......leaving behind her sons; william and harry

william and kate
my friend who is now living in UK said that the papers and tabloid were buzzing with the engagement story...
macam diana...william chose kate, a commoner....
ramai org label mak kate nie sebagai "wannabe"...
trying hard to be in the upper class...biasa la Brit...
no matter how rich and successful you kate's family is a millionaire
but if you were born dalam working class or middle class....
you still x boleh padam that...label...
apa yg kecoh dalam engagement nie ialah...
william's decision to give diana's engagement ring to kate.....

diana's ring and charles's ring
william was quoted saying that he wanted his mom to be part of the joyous ocassion....
benda2 macam nie memang tabloids d UK suka...
tabloids in UK ..i found them very vicious and scary
x de belas kasihan langsung..
so, ramai yg kata william's action of giving the ring...foreshadow of what to happen to his marriage..
that he..just like his mother...will endure the same...
tapi Brit nie kadang superstitious skit...
now back to Diana...

the wedding

"three is a crowd"...
depression die bermula actually sebelum malam perkahwinan lagi...
when she realized....charles sebenarnya masih setia pada his true love...camelia..
so, diana nie sentiasa low self esteem...for me...
she was the daughter yg parents x expect..because her parents were expecting a the heir
so sentiasa kurang kasih sayang and always second best..
tambah bila kawin dengan charles...hidup yg penuh adat dan protokol and very cold and unfriendly.....diana x mampu nak survive....

diana at auction..
william nasihat die supaya auction baju die for charity..
she was glowing here after the divorce

the tragedy
so diana was a free soul selepas bercerai...
dan tragedy kematian penuh misteri dan kontroversi...
ayah dodi alfayed...mengatakan ada konspirasi untuk membunuh diana...
based on my reading, british royal family nie banyak konspirasi...
they are willing to go for greater extent to preserve and save the monarch...
sejarah banyak menceritakan mereka berbunuh sesama sendiri..
bapak bunuh anak, anak bunuh bapa, kakak bunuh adik......
even pernah diorang bunuh an ailing queen ..or mempercepatkan kematian
supaya tidak menggangu planning mereka...

diana and landmine victims
2 perkara yg dikaitkan dengan kematian diana
pertama kerana dodi al fayed adalah islam......ramai yg x suka ibu kepada bakal
raja England berkahwin dengan seorang islam....
kedua, kerana ke aktifan beliau dalam menentang landmine..periuk api
kerana ini sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan policy Britain....
on 31st august 1997.....
london was in mourning...i went to Buckingham palace and saw
people were leaving flowers....
petang, aku ingat lagi...di B&B, aku mengadap TV melihat her coffin dibawa pulang dari france
and on 9th september (kalau x silap)
our college sediakan TV for us to see the funeral...(diorang x bagi kitaorang p london..takut hilang in the sea of people)
when elton john sang .."goodbye England Roses"..
when the commentator said ..that Harry cried the moment he heard the song
that was when my fairy tale ended.....
diana for me is a symbol of strength...
courage to fight for herself...even that meant she had to fight a very old tradition...
she had courage to change....
memang la ade org akan pandang sinis sebab aku puji die..despite all the scandals...
but for me..
at least she changed what she did not like..
at least she least she did something that she believed in.....
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