minggu nie adalah minggu akhir untuk drama "my girlfriend is a gumiho"...
so, xde la lagi aktiviti mendownload drama dan subtitle....
x de la aktiviti refresh dramabeans.com untuk baca synopsis sementara menanti viikii.com
mentranslate bahasa.....
even musim raya aritu, bilik depan rumah pakya...dah jadi cybercafe....
3 laptop terbuka....abg gemuk master download and cari subtitle...
2 laptop untuk tgk cite ......
x heran dah dgn musim raya........

part of it because seung gi...part of it sebab jalan cite die....
kelakar and very different dari korean drama yg lain....
dah la heroin, shin mina cute and very likeable as gumiho......
mcm biasa...lepas nie akan ada post-seungi deppression.....
hahahah aku akan ulang tgk "briliant legacy" and tgk balik "2 days 1 night"
so, ayat atas tadi aku kena ubah....
seung gi is so addictive.........
a very humble person, despite all the limelight that he constantly receives......
a person who loves knowledge......managed to finish his degree in "international trade and commerce"
now, with tight schedule...busy with his master...attending classes and presentation...
very knowledgeable...can be seen in "bokbulbok" game in 2D1N.....
he sings very well..........sigh......
so, last night was episode 15 in korea...
and tonight is the final episode of the drama........

i have found a drama to replace gumiho....
"sungkyunkwan scandal"......by KBS...
will be on KBS World this coming 11th October............
imagine F4.......in historical drama...saeguk....
i will be frequent at viikii.com and dramabeans.com for the latest....
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